
This Is When You Need To Replace Memory Foam Mattress

One of the main benefits of using a memory foam mattress is that they are extremely durable. In addition, since they don’t require a lot of maintenance, they tend to be one of the favorite mattresses types for many people. However, we all know that every product that you buy has its own lifespan. And so does the memory foam mattress.


Discover what is a memory foam mattress.

So, when to replace memory foam mattress?

One of the things that you need to know about when to replace memory foam mattress is that there isn’t a specific time. So, when you read or hear someone tell you that if a memory foam mattress should be replaced every 7 years, 8 years, 10 years, or anything like that, you need to pay attention because no one can know. The reality is that the durability of a memory foam mattress depends on the use you give as well as on whether you maintain it in the best conditions possible.

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There are two main aspects that have a huge influence on when to replace memory foam mattress:

#1: The Quality Of The Memory Foam:


Usually, and as a rule of thumb, most memory foam mattresses tend to last between 10 to 15 years in perfect conditions. This means that they do provide you with the comfort and support throughout this entire period.

However, it is important to notice that the specific time depends on the type of memory foam they use. The denser the memory foam that is used in the mattress is, the more the mattress will last. However, this will also reflect on the price of the memory foam mattress that will be more expensive. The cheaper the memory foam mattress, the worse is the quality of the memory foam used because it’s not so dense, and it is likely to wear out faster.

#2: How You Take Care Of It:


The truth is that one of the best things about memory foam mattresses is that they don’t require a lot to be maintained. In addition, this simple maintenance can help you maximize its lifespan.

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So, here are some of the things that you should consider doing when you want to increase the lifespan of your memory foam mattress:

  • Rotate your memory foam mattress head-to-foot on a regular basis. You should try to do it at least once a month.
  • Consider using a waterproof mattress protector. This way, you’ll be protecting your mattress against any accidents. From babies to pets, or even if you like to have breakfast in bed, these can all hurt your mattress eventually. So, it’s always best to be safe than sorry.
  • Pay attention to your bed base. There are a lot of complaints about memory foam mattresses that are not directly the fault of the mattresses but of the bed bases people use. Make sure that you check if the bed base is supportive.
See also  How Long Does A Memory Foam Mattress Last?


As you can see, it is fairly easy to make your memory foam mattress increase its lifespan. And the best thing is that these type of mattresses are the easiest ones to maintain. So, make sure that you follow these above-mentioned tips.

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